Iron Thorns
We live in a world that makes Hell look like a playground. Violence and racism breed within the ignorant and grow through the injustice that we digest in the news. We blame everyone else for our problems while the real cause is within the mirror. We capture scapegoats and butcher them for our young while our young grow more primal. We attack people and their views when sometimes the truth needs to be heard.
We have fallen down the ladder and no longer can claim our humanity because our humanity has been shredded by our selfish needs and desires. We are nothing but animals looking to destroy each other if not use one another to be king of the jungle. So, come with me into Dante’s Inferno where we will sit on the fiery swings and watch our world grow more dark while Pandora throws hope back into the box and locks it tight.
Let’s slide down the slide into Mother Nature’s dead earth because we will live to see the day that she comes after us in all her fury.
Let’s hang upside-down on the molten monkey bars to let our minds slip further into emptiness.
Let’s play until we die, so we may escape this prison.
If we would just realize that all people are created equal and bring back justice not chained or blind and stop blaming the bullshit that goes on in our lives on others, we would no longer have to play here.
In the meantime, welcome to Hell.
Gone But Not Forgotten
People are like dolls that clutter our lives as we live. They carry memories of the good times and the bad times. Their faces etch themselves into our memory, so we may never forget them. They are also fragile, and we forget how easy it is to lose one. After we lose one, we are left with pieces of a person that won’t even describe who they really are even after they are put back together. Only the memory of the person will live on in the gallery of life, forever remembered and always cherished by the ones they know.
Melissa R. Mendelson is a published author and poet, whose writing has been featured in Names in a Jar: A Collection of Poetry by 100 Contemporary American Poets, Espresso Fiction: A Collection of Flash Fiction for the Average Joe, and Antarctica Journal.