(TH)EverYing is a LI(V)E

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(TH)EverYing is a LI(V)E

When one peels away the onion layers of “the conspiracy” one does end up back in the Garden of Eden (and “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” has a lot more to with concepts like numerology and “Ancient” architecture than eating apples and oranges).  It astounds me how many well known “conspiracy theorists” (some of whom I do read for information) miss this base concept.  Some may be familiar with the names including Jim Marrs, Webster Tarpley, Alex Jones and Infowars, David Icke and more.

There are a few important concepts that must be emphasized to help the reader find ultimate truth, the convergence of current events with Biblical predictions of “the last hour”.  First, there is no specific “anti-Christ” mentioned anywhere in the Book of Revelation. It’s mentioned in I John but nowhere else in the entire Bible.  For the most part John speaks of a “spirit of anti-Christ” but he gets away from the comic book figure anti-Christ presented by the so-called “Christian” evangelists one may see on the Trinity Broadcast Network, selling NY Times best-selling books or even on “The History Channel”.  Second, Israel is no longer God’s Chosen People as many of these same “televangelists” and “prophecy experts” would have us believe.  In fact they’re amongst the worst offenders if the New Testament is to be read properly starting with Matthew 3, 12 and 23.  There are many more verses that can be cited and would be an article in and of itself. (Please don’t lump me in with those that name “Zionism” or “the Jews” as the bane of the world either; I respect Israel’s right to exist and defend itself; my contention ends with the claim that they’re “God’s Chosen People”).  Finally, this gets us into the main part of this article, namely, the convergence of “the conspiracy” and things Biblical.  It is much more subtle and pervasive than we’re led to believe.  And it is rooted in the occultism and top down control practiced by “Ancient” Egypt and other so-called “ancient” civilizations including Sumeria, India and Central America.

Fast forward to today…

The more one thinks about it John Carpenter’s “They Live” is the most accurate rendition of “the conspiracy” that has essentially destroyed the greatest nation in the history of the world.  My respect for Mr. Carpenter’s work is  reflected in the title of my first book, “The THEorY of LIVEvolution: “Great” Society of the UN-dead” (the UN-dead of course being the United Nations) and my web site (www.boxofsunglasses.com).  “They Live” in a nutshell explains the constant stream of lies “THEY” (or in our reality the “Eastern Establishment”) feed us as a type of demonic UFO hybrid invasion. (And don’t forget who originally discovered the “aliens” in the movie, the blind Christian priest and his denomination).  This appears to be a modern version of Genesis 6.  At first this movie appears to be more of a symbolic gesture and I still hold this belief.  But as time marches on and things get more bizarre and the lies more obvious (along with Jesus’ words about the last days being “just like the Days of Noah”) it’s getting harder to believe that John Carpenter didn’t intend for the movie to be literally true.   But let’s stick with the “secular” for now.

Let’s document a small sample of the real lies “THEY” perpetuate daily in a fashion similar to John Carpenter’s timely and poignant movie:

-The “Federal” “Reserve” scam.  This one continues to amaze.  Basically, it’s a debt based economic system wherein the debt can never be paid off.  The only way to keep it going is to borrow more each year adding to the previous years’ accumulated annual deficits (known as the singular national debt).  It was invented by the brightest (not a compliment) industrialists and bankers of the modern era who couldn’t have been in those positions to begin with if THEY were dumb enough to believe this insanity was a sustainable economic model to begin with.  In today’s “reality” how about the current “Tea Party” Republicans and fake opposition “Progressive” Democrats arguing over $100 billion of savings per year with the so-called “Super Congress”?  But it was just stated that it’s a system of perpetual debt; we have to dump “the system” and not just slow down our indebtedness to it.


Just one quick fun fact: right now mathematically Uncle Sam (us) goes into debt to the tune of around 4 billion per day or 1 billion every 6 hours.  So THEY are literally arguing over another  25 days of perpetuating this fraud.


-Global Warming/Global Cooling/Climate Change – The wheels have come off this one as of late but “THEY” push on nonetheless.  Check out the link The Inconvenient Scientific Method on the “New Age” tab of my site to get a full undressing of Algore’s book of Frankenstein science. The link uses Algore’s book as the primary source.  On one graph on page 65 of “An Inconvenient Truth” Algore claims that “Mother Earth’s” average temperature departs from some mysterious non-quantified average in both the negative and positive simultaneously.  My friends, this is an easily recognized scientific and mathematical impossibility.   And a super obvious one at that; again is “THEY Live” literally true? And mega millionaire Al Gore along with genocidal maniacs John Holdren and others have joined with criminal gang bankers Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller Foundation (the same names behind “The Fed” above) to push for population control measures and worse.

And the population control zealots this country has produced including some names you may recognize had to get their ideas from somewhere which would be…

-Evolutionary Biology This “science” makes Algores scam of global warming/cooling/climate change look like Einstein’s theory of relativity.  Think about this one.  Something explodes and particles go out in linear paths in conformance to Newton’s laws (Newton was smart enough to know evolutionists were nuts some 500 years ago).   But now these God hating intellectual whores want us to believe somehow planets contravened this common sense scenario and rotate around the sun in perpetuity.  Or someone please tell me how “hydrogen” forms itself into a human brain.  Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

But Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest” gave the early twentieth century “American” Progressive elites (i.e., the THEY of that era) the “justification”  for all kinds of eugenics laws in this nation including Margaret Sanger’s ‘negro project’ (better known today as “Planned Parenthood”) and a little known Austrian rabble rouser and his band merry makers including Josef Mengele, Ernst Rudin and Klaus Barbie (better known today as Adolf Hitler).

And this “science” supports…

-Separation of Church and State.  Whether one is a Christian or not this is another blatant scam brought to us by the communist founded (historically true) deviant scumbags known as the ACLU.  This is a group that defends porno freaks and pedophiles while carrying the torch for this scam.  One has to jump through historical hoops to cite one of two very short verses from our Founders to believe this as true.  The first is Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists where he mentions “a wall of separation of church and state” that is taken way out of context.  The other is an obscure line put in a treaty with Middle Eastern pirates in 1802 that was put there for political expediency.  But read the writings of Founders including Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Jay, John Witherspoon and you’ll see what a lie this is.  Our three main founding documents (Mayflower Compact, Declaration and Constitution) are loaded with synonyms for God, the real One.

Discussing “the conspiracy” can go on and on, Building 7, the Kennedy Assassination, the Lusitania, ad nausea.

But no matter what this “conspiracy theorist” or any like minded individual says or does “THEY” will have an answer.  The ‘rabbit trails are endless. So it is up to you dear reader to decide, what is “truth”?

A recent post on one web was entitled “10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History” (perhaps the subject of a future article).   Agreed; but we must ask Who will  be the “Judge”?  My advice is to become a Christian while there’s still time. It’s simple; pick up a Bible and read Paul’s writings in Romans 10 and Acts 4.   There’s no need to do anything except believe and ask for forgiveness.

This is the last thing “THEY” would want because as in Karl Marx’s communism when God rules and grants us “inalienable rights” (Declaration of Independence anyone?) “THEY” do not.   With God “THEY” don’t get to decide, literally, who lives and who  dies.  With this simple fact you now know why “THEY” must destroy “The Late Great USA” and flush it down Orwell’s memory hole.

When one peels away the onion layers of “the conspiracy” I’m afraid it’s just that simple.

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