Poem for Maxwell Bodenheim by Olly Bryan

Archive Literature Original Lit Poetry

thru language a revelation of what cannot be revealed
in a multitude of selves vying for oneself

unseen unheard ghost
absurd gown of weeping queen

the concrete sea
the everlasting spleen
bent backs of absurdity; the curves of apostrophes

the apostle leaves drifting without design
it’s between you and me
the shanty waves and sinking shadows
cloaks chasing shades and stars burning flags
this allotment of bad sight
the toxin tongue that licks you
the devil’s spit spewing for blood and love
tasty tricks for life

innocent baby death curls in soiled prams
junkyards of rebirth
Buddha bongs to the cross across the marshes
in silence the severed light graces each great step that fixes you
pricks you in delight
reels you to plight
we fold we impart we part
we are numberless dice
we roll and are rolled
we die for curtains soaked in tears

i cry for your death
your regal street theatre
where you tread
where you saw and inked
joker’s shuffle in the park
deck laid like dead pigeons
queens working jack trades
kings folding paper blades aimed for your heart
conspiring against gain
vying for source
bleeding for their pay
they talk jazz to get laid
where she lay?
with the porter and the death maid
she don’t know the trumpet
you gave
you sucked you saw
sitting on the forgotten book of law
your voice in the dark making echoes across time
the mathematics of your insight made you scribe smart
the paper blades cutting my heart
symbolic shrapnel falling like rose petals
blessing the king’s temple
a totem worth visiting
a blessed merchant worth following
a voice worth hearing
a longshot worth dying for
a shadow to lay in
a silver bird to search for.


Olly Bryan is Merlin! Or Bartholomew! Or Rimbaud’s asshole! Ah, I try and get by, create sparks in the mud of the land, a bit of peace, never to be found, worth looking for, pickup’s brother to floating tigers in the sky of every eye, longshot, lover and loser, fool, certainly, seeking satori, a feeling that won’t involve light or ego satiation just humble calm in the palm of the mystic night.

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