When I saw John Edward
at the Westbury Theatre,
I was not sold at all.
If spirits walked around us,
wanting to tell us
that they were here,
that they had a message waiting,
then why talk to him?
Don’t ghosts love electricity?
Could flickering lights mean
that they were standing close,
whispering in an ear,
struggling to breach the other side?
What about a voice on the radio,
blurring between stations?
Has your television not sprung to life
with no one handling the remote?
Did you ever have that dream,
where someone was in your room,
someone standing close,
watching your every move?
Do we really need a John Edward?
Seeing how packed that theatre was,
I guess we do.
Melissa R. Mendelson has been working for the State of New York for the last five years. She is also a published short story author and poet. Her poetry has been included in Names in a Jar: A Collection of Poetry by 100 American Poets (Amazon, 2007). Her short story, Whispers in the Night, has been included in Espresso Fiction: A Collection of Flash Fiction for the Average Joe (Amazon, 2012).