The past few decades have seen unbelievable changes in technology and media. Many Americans no longer rely on the morning newspaper to get their news. Times are changing and so is the attitude towards news. We now have the capabilities through technology to get the news as it is happening. The only choice we have is which channel to get that news from. That’s the problem.
So much transmission of information makes it very difficult to sort out fact from fiction. Combine this with an already tense political playground, and we have debates and resentment that Fox News is too Republican and MSNBC is too liberal. Well, when looking for a news medium in the middle, rest your dial on public radio. The only problem: that channel may not be there for much longer.
As of now, 170 million Americans use public television or radio every month, through more than 1300 stations across the country. Public broadcasting focuses on serving the needs of underserved audiences, including children, minorities and low-income children. There are many people in this country without cable and Internet service that rely on public radio to be informed and every citizen has a right and responsibility to make an informed vote. The public has become so skeptical of large corporations that there are many like myself who listen to public radio for good music, but also truly fair and balanced news.
In addition to providing the news, public radio has made a huge impact. The classical music and jazz that public radio provides is something difficult to find on the radio by a for-profit media company. Public radio has provided entertainment and identity for years. Saturday mornings just wouldn’t be the same without the click and clack brothers of Car Talk…

Public broadcasting is in trouble. Funds are running out and being cut everywhere. We cannot afford to be cut off from a commercial free and bias free service that gives citizens the information they need to make decisions for our future. Please America, don’t cut off my classical music, and don’t make me watch the newest cable news reporter tell me what to think.
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