Eye Want!, Care Again!!!, Wisdom Cooks, and 24-6

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eye want

Eye Want!

Do you know it’s in my nature to want, want people, places and things, not being fully satisfied but just always in want? Why am “eye” like this? Wanting just to be wanting, never ever really needing, just wanting?

“Eye” want my woman to love me, spoil me, cook for me, pamper me just want her to do something for me! Look at me, being as selfish as “eye” can be. When will my desire to want set me free? Is it that “eye” am just like other wanters in search of wanting and never really needing? Why is the desire to want so strong in me? Why must my wants always be about me! Me! Me! How did “eye” get to be in such a wanting state, damn! Please, Please, Please somebody stop this pain for “eye” see that my want is all in vain!

Why must you hunt me, want? What do you want? Is it to seek, kill and destroy? This is not who “eye” was created to be, a wanting soul of life wanting nothing but to please me! Vanity “eye” say! “Eye” see this thing called want is driving you away from me!

So as “eye” begin to grow old and gray, want continues to pursue me ever so gallantly wanting me to want more. “Eye” find myself in its grips, wanting my very strength, my last wanting breath. Who will help? Nobody!

For they are fighting their wants as “eye” am.

Wait a minute, that’s it, I see it now; since the day of my existence, want has been trying to destroy me. So as I slow down and take a minute to breathe it comes to me so clear. What my soul desires me to want is to not want at all! My soul desires me to want The One who wants me to be complete, happy and whole, so thank you Creator of the Universe and I say good-bye to want but hello to love for to love is far better than to want. Thank you, Creator, for wanting me to accept your love to want to love you! It’s through this love that all the desires of my heart have been given and made possible. Now I’m able to give, not as a wanter gives, but as a new lover gives. Good bye “want!” It’s over!

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